Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Canning Continues!

So we harvested another 23 lbs of pickling cucumbers.  I don't think we will have to buy pickles ever again!  We have made Kosher Dills, Sweet Relish, Sweet Pickles, Fresh Pack Sweet Relish, and yesterday we made Dill Relish.  (Check out this post for those recipes)

The Fresh Pack Sweet Relish which I made a couple days ago, looks good, but I won't officially know for 8 weeks.  And when I was finally done peeling and chopping all the cucumbers in the blue bucket, we had 6 pints and 17 half pints of Dill Relish.

We pulled our beets last week and had about 4 lbs.  So I canned some Beet Curry for this winter.

The main ingredient (obviously) is fresh beets, then beans and tomatoes along with onion.

All ingredients chopped and sauteed then beans added.

Simmering for 30 minutes.

Then canned in the pressure cooker for 1 hour 15 minutes.

It was a productive, hot day!

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