Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weekly Update

A lot has gone on this week with harvesting!  Take a look:

"Chocolate Cherry" and "Fourth of July" Tomatoes


Jalapenos, Cucumbers (another 23 lbs), Green Peppers and Benning's Summer Squash

Another box with some eggplant.

Pulled the "Finger" Carrots to make room for more. 

Sweet Onions (5 lbs)

Lots of green beans and some Dinosaur Kale

Curing Onions in braids for easier storage.

Cleaned Carrots, roughly 6 lbs total.

"Super Sweet Cherry" Tomatoes hanging from a pot on our porch.

Cantaloupe about the size of a baseball!

Gorgeous night sky thanks to some rain this past week.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sunset over a bountiful harvet! You garden is incredible. I hope you are making an album with all these picures.
