Friday, July 9, 2010

Another Week in the Garden

The cosmos are blooming.

And although the heat wave hasn't let up, there are some veggies that love it, like the eggplant!

We have a couple of these guys forming, and I already can't wait for some eggplant grilled up.  And we are starting to harvest the first of our Jalapeno Peppers.  
The beans are growing strong.
Calypso Bean

Cranberry Pole Bean blossoms.

Our pathetic corn patch seems to be doing alright next to the giant tomatoes.

The beginnings of a butternut squash, and...


They are multiplying and forming masses in the refrigerator.  It is unclear when their world domination will cease, but as it looks now, we are in it for the long haul!  I am harvesting one of these boxes full, every other day, yikes!

So tonight I made sweet cucumber relish.

Another picture of our cucumbers taking over the trellis addition.  Hope everyone likes pickles!


  1. Relish looks great. I love how it changes color and you know almost instantly that it's ready to jar! With all this canning it leaves me to wonder "What will my Christmas gift be?" I can only anxiously wait. The cosmos is beautiful. I hope the heat lets up so that your canning is a little easier. Enjoy your weekend, can't wait for the next posting!

  2. Almost forgot, if you get too many tomatoes I have a great Pic-a-de-lily recipe! LOL
