Tuesday, July 13, 2010


It's been a hectic week, but just a quick post about what's new here.


Saturday we spent the day taking care of our 10lbs of pickling cucumbers that were overtaking the fridge.

The tally of what was processed was:
9 quarts of Kosher Dills (3 of them Spicy Dills)
6 pints Sweet Pickles
4 half pints Kosher Dills
It was a bit of a push, but it is nice to get all the cucumbers out of the refrigerator.

And we harvested our Beets for another canning project later this week (I will keep you posted).


  1. You are SO impressive! Would you share a recipe, please, if I cross post? I'd love to try spicy dills--when I finally get some cukes!

  2. Would love too! Thanks for the support!

  3. I can't wait to try your pickles. They look yoummy all ready. Unfortuantly my cukes are not producing this year.
