Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pictorial Update

Another update on how our garden grows...

Bolseno Tomatoes

Eggplant Blossom


Our one Gladiola



Bell Peppers

The beginnings of Brussel Sprouts

Zucchini Blossom

Nasturtium hiding among the cucumbers.

And because I can't get enough of them, I picked up some more garlic scapes at Hager's Farm Market.  Then spent some of the afternoon making some pestos.

Scape pesto with almonds.

Scape Radish pesto with cashews.

Sage Parsley pesto with walnuts.

Another little bouquet because it has become one of my favorite things to do in the morning.


  1. Great shots, I cant believe how big those tomato's are! looking forward to a bumper crop!

  2. I am soo jealous. You have quite the green thumb. And fresh flowers every morning. What a life!

  3. I definitely can't complain! Hopefully you get the benefit of OPG = other people's gardens (thanks HA)! I will be sure to bring some goodness your way :)
